Brussels Boxing Academy (BBA, D'broej)
Brussels Boxing Academy (BBA, D'broej)
The Brussels Boxing Academy is a recreational and competitive boxing club. All young people in Brussels, boys and girls, gender minorities, are welcome.
The BBA is developing permanent work in different rooms, for boxers from 6 to 77 years old.
We also give occasional initiations on demand.
- Tom Flachet - GSM : 0470 812 340 (from 18:00)
- Mohamed Maalem - GSM : 0485 00 11 50
The club has two locations:
- BBA De Kleurdoo, Kogelstraat 29, 1000 Brussels
- Egied Van Broeckhoven School, Pierre Van Humbeekstraat 5, Molenbeek
- De Kleurdoos, Rue du Boulet 29, 1000 Brussels